How to upgrade Rails: Workflow advice

When upgrading Rails versions -- especially major versions -- you will run into a lot of unique issues, depending on the exact version, and depending on your app.

However, it is still possible to give some generic advice on how you want to tackle the update in principle.

If you are not really confident about upgrading Rails, have a look at Rails LTS.

How many update steps?

Besides the Rails upgrade itself, you might also want to upgrade your other gems and upgrade your Ruby version.
First decide in how many st...

Upgrade Rails: Awareness list


This card is a collection of guides and things to have in mind when upgrading to a specific version. It is not meant to be complete, so please feel free to contribute!

General workflows

Upgrade to Rails 7

Upgrade to Rails 6

  • [...

Upgrade guide for moving a Rails app from Webpack 3 to Webpack 4

Webpacker is Rails' way of integrating Webpack, and version 4 has been released just a few days ago, allowing us to use Webpack 4.

I successfully upgraded an existing real-world Webpack 3 application. Below are notes on everything that I encountered.
Note that we prefer not using the Rails asset pipeline at all and serving all assets through Webpack for the sake of consistency.


  • Remove version locks in Gemfile for webpacker
  • Remove version locks in package.json for webpack and webpack-dev-server
  • Install by ca...

passenger problems with upgraded rails-app

You may encounter problems with passenger starting an application with an updated rails.
If you find an error like this in the apache error log:

[ 2015-08-21 10:53:04.1266 17680/7f4909bf7700 Pool2/Implementation.cpp:883 ]: Could not spawn process for group /var/www/ An error occured while starting up the preloader.
     in 'void Passenger::ApplicationPool2::SmartSpawner::handleErrorResponse(Passenger::ApplicationPool2::SmartSpawner::StartupDetails&)' (SmartSpawner.h:455)
     in 'std::string Passenger::Appli...

Upgrading Cucumber and Capybara to the latest versions available for Rails 2

Specify these gem versions in your Gemfile:

gem 'cucumber', '~> 1.3.0'
gem 'cucumber-rails', '= 0.3.2' # max version for Rails 2
gem 'capybara', '< 2' # capybara 2+ requires Rails 3
gem 'mime-types', '< 2' # dependeny of capybara
gem 'nokogiri', '< 1.6' # dependency of capybara
gem 'rubyzip', '< 1' # dependency of selenium-webdriver, rubyzip 1+ requires Ruby 1.9
gem 'cucumber_factory'
gem 'database_cleaner', '< 1'
gem 'cucumber_spinner', '~> 0.2.5'
gem 'launchy', '~> 2.1.2'

With these versions set, `...

Do not pass params directly into url_for or URL helpers

Rails' url_for is useful for generating routes from a Hash, but can lead to an open redirect vulnerability.

Your application's generated route methods with a _url suffix are also affected because [they use url_for unter the hood](

Project management best practices: Technical debt summary

Maintaining larger projects makes it more difficult to balance refactoring and upgrade tasks according to its actual value. Consider to create and periodically maintain a summary, which helps you and your team in the decision which refactoring task should be taken next.


Here is an template on how you might categorize your tasks:

| Technical debt | Estimated Efforts | Customer value| Customer value explained| Developer value|Developer value explained|

Rails I18n fallback locales

When you need to create a locale for a language variant (like Austrian for German), you probably don't want to duplicate your entire de.yml file only to change a few minor exceptions for our Austrian friends.

Luckily, the I18n gem used by Rails has a fallback feature where you can make one locale file fall back to another if no translation is available.

In the example above you would have a config/locales/de_DE.yml:

  # hundreds of translations here

... and another lo...

Upgrading Rails 2 from 2.3.8 through 2.3.18 to Rails LTS

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to 2.3.18, and then, hopefully, Rails LTS.

2.3.8 to 2.3.9

This release has many minor changes and fixes to prepare your application for Rails 3.

Step-by-step upgrade instructions:

  1. Upgrade rails gem
  2. Change your environment.rb so it says RAILS_GEM_VERSION = '2.3.9'
  3. Change your environment.rb so all invocations ...

How to fix: WrongScopeError when using rspec_rails with Rails 6.1

tl;dr: Upgrade the gem to at least 4.0.1

When you use rspec_rails in a version < 4 with Rails 6.1 you may encounter an error like this:

  raise WrongScopeError,
    "`#{name}` is not available from within an example (e.g. an " \
    "`it` block) or from constructs that run in the scope of an " \
    "example (e.g. `before`, `let`, etc). It is only available " \
    "on an example group (e.g. a `describe` or `context` block)."
    `name` is not available from within an example (e.g. an `it` block) or from constructs that...

Upgrading a Rails app to Cucumber 3

Upgrade gems

You need to update a lof gems. Make sure you don't have any version constraints in your Gemfile or your bundle update won't do anything!

Upgrade cucumber_priority:

bundle update cucumber_priority

Upgrade spreewald:

bundle update spreewald

Upgrade cucumber_factory:

bundle update cucumber_factory

Upgrade parallel_tests:

bundle update parallel_tests

Even on the latest version, parallel_tests will print some deprecation warnings due to using an older formatter A...

Upgrade from Ruby 1.8.7 to Ruby 1.9.2 on Ubuntu

Note that you cannot currently use Ruby 1.9.2 with Rails 2 applications that use RSpec, so don't upgrade if that is your setup. The rspec-rails gem has a fatal bug that was only fixed for rspec-rails-2.x, which only supports Rails 3. There is no fix for the rspec-rails-1.3.x series of the gem which supports Rails 2.

Anyway, here are upgrade instructions if you only work with Rails 3 or don't use RSpec. You will lose all your gems in the process, but you can get them back easily if you h...

How to list updateable dependencies with Bundler and Yarn


bundle outdated [--filter-major|--filter-minor|--filter-patch]

Example output for bundle outdated --filter-major


Other examples

A useful flag is --strict as it will only list versions that are allowed by your Gemfile requirements (e.g. does not show rails update to 6 if your Gemfile has the line gem 'rails', '~>5.2').

I also experienced that doing upgrades per group (test, development) are easier to do. Thus --groups might also be helpful.

$ bundle...

When Sass-generated stylesheets print a Encoding::CompatibilityError

We upgraded a Rails 2 application to Rails 3.2 and Ruby 2.1, changed the mysql adapter from mysql to mysql2, but did not activitate the asset pipeline. Instead we used Sass the old-school way (stylesheets in public/sass/*.sass) and relied on stylesheet_link_tag to activate the Sass compiler.

Now all Sass-generated stylesheets inserted the following text into body:before:

Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT

I could get rid of this by removing all generated .css files in `...

Rails: Removing the cucumber-rails warning when setting cache_classes to false without Spring enabled

We are using Spring in our tests for sequential test execution but not for parallel test execution. And Rails requires you to set the config.cache_classes = false if you are using Spring in tests.

With our setup, this would raise the following error in cucumber-rails for parallel test executions due to some legacy database cleaner issue.

WARNING: You have set Rails' config.cache_classes to false
    (Spring needs cache_classes set to false). This is known to cause probl...

JavaScript without jQuery (presentation from 2019-01-21)


  • We want to move away from jQuery in future projects
  • Motivations are performance, bundle size and general trends for the web platform.
  • The native DOM API is much nicer than it used to be, and we can polyfill the missing pieces
  • Unpoly 0.60.0 works with or without jQuery

Is jQuery slow?

From: Sven
Subject: performance on smartphones and tablets


I just used your framework in one project and must say,
I am really pleased with it -- but only on a desktop computer.

Have you benchm...

has_defaults is now a gem

  • has_defaults is now a gem, no longer a plugin.
  • The plugin version no longer exists. Note that plugins are no longer supported in 3.2.
  • If you are working on an application that has the plugin version of has_defaults there is no advantage to be gained from upgrading the gem. The gem is there for you should you one day upgrade to Rails 3.2+.
  • Please don't use the defaults gem which we original forked away from in 2009. It sets defaults when a field is `bl...

Find geocoded records that are close to a location (radius search)

When you have objects in your database that hold latitude and longitude and you want to find others that are close to given coordinates you can use the Graticule gem.


Graticule offers several methods to compute the distance between two geo-dated objects but fetching records from the database that are within a given radius of a location is a bit trickier:

def close_destinations(latitude, longitude)
  distance_sql = Graticule::Distance::Spherical.to_sql(:latitude => l...

Always store your Paperclip attachments in a separate folder per environment

tl;dr: Always have your attachment path start with :rails_root/storage/#{Rails.env}#{ENV['RAILS_TEST_NUMBER']}/.

The directory where you save your Paperclip attachments should not look like this:


The problem with this is that multiple environments (at least development and test) will share the same directory structure. This will cause you pain eventually. Files will get overwritten and...

Don't use Ruby 1.9.2

Ruby 1.9.2 is very slow when loading files, especially starting Rails servers or running specs takes forever.

Do yourself a favor and upgrade to 1.9.3.